David M. - top rated tutor

Differential Equations Tutors David M. Tutors College Students
New York, NY
10 miles Travel Radius
In-person + Online
I have a bachelor's degree in mathematics from Oberlin College in Oberlin, Ohio. As a tutor, I strive to learn my students' learning styles and engage them in the topics they wish to improve upon so that learning does not seem like yet another chore that needs to be completed. I think it is important to relate what we learn with things that genuinely interest my students so that they can see that academic work connects with their real, everyday lives. I prefer to tutor in mathematics and science, but I also have experience working with standardized test prep as well. In my free time, I enjoy practicing parkour and acrobatic martial arts, playing video games, and reading fiction from my current home in New York City, New... read more
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