Computer Science Online Courses for College Students

Found 532 listings, displaying 281-300
This course, part of the Software Development MicroMasters program, will dig deep into the principles of object oriented design, and introduce new abstraction techniques and design patterns. You will use these techniques to build an application that makes use of popular online services and APIs...
This programming course takes a unique approach, as it focuses on learning a systematic programming method rather than a programming language. This practical approach will help you channel your creativity so that you can program well in any language. This course, part of the Software...
As your program requirements get more complex, you will find that simple additions to the design method make it easy to write well-structured and well-tested code that is easy to maintain. By learning how to capture common data and control structures using abstraction, your programs will get...
This course, part of the Software Development MicroMasters Program, introduces how teams design, build, and test multi-version software systems. You will learn software engineering principles that are applicable to the breadth of large-scale software systems. The course explores topics such as...
Commencer à utiliser un logiciel est toujours délicat, on ne sait jamais par où commencer. Dans ce cours nous allons nous concentrer sur la maîtrise d’Octave et MATLAB, de façon à pouvoir par la suite continuer à apprendre de manière indépendante. Le but est donc d’apprendre, pas à pas, comment...
Take an exciting crash course in MATLAB and Octave programming. Both languages allow users to experiment with advanced mathematical functions and produce exciting matrix visualizations. In this hands-on, self-paced introductory course, students will learn step by step how to use these...
During the past decade we have witnessed a phenomenal growth in Industrial IoT applications (IIoT) and autonomous systems. This has resulted in a paradigm shift in the networking domain. As a networking professional, it is essential to understand how traditional networking has evolved into...
Building construction is one of the most waste producing sectors. In the European Union, construction alone accounts for approximately 30% of the raw material input. In addition, the different life-cycle stages of buildings, from construction to end-of-life, cause a significant environmental...
Este curso propone y aplica una metodología innovadora para analizar y organizar la arquitectura contemporánea latinoamericana con base en las variables que los arquitectos contemplan cuando desarrollan un proyecto. La metodología que se propone, y que se aplica de manera interactiva, permite co...
This course provides some basic experience in designing and developing deeply embedded bare metal applications using a microcontroller with a RISC-V core. The course is the first step to creating embedded systems using a host of new microcontrollers that use an open instruction set architecture...
ビッグデータやAI,いま,そういった言葉が世の中に満ち溢れています。それは,いろいろなことが計算に載るようになって,ビッグデータの利用や,それを使ったAI技術が本格化してきたからです。こうした潮流の中心となる「計算」の活用法を開発してきたのがコンピュータサイエンスという分野です。このコースでは,そのコンピュータサイエンスのエッセンスを学びます。ごく基礎的・入門的なところからはじめ,最先端のコンピュータサイエンスを概観できるまでの素養を身に付けられます。超入門的プログラミングで「計算」の設計法を体験しながら,コンピュータサイエンスの基礎を学びます。 Big data, data-mining,...
Introduction to Node.js is designed for frontend or back-end developers who would like to become more familiar with the fundamentals of Node.js and its most common use cases. Before enrolling, students should know how to use a command line terminal, and have some familiarity with JavaScript. In...
Do you want to learn more about data and gain programming experience? If yes, this is the right course for you to start! “Big data”, “data science”, “data-mining” and “artificial intelligence” are all popular terms that are often encountered nowadays in the academic and in business worlds...
Software testinggets a bad rap for being difficult, time-consuming, redundant, and above all - boring. But in fact, it is a proven way to ensure that your software will work flawlessly andcan meet release schedules. In a two-course series, we will teach you automated software testing in an...
Software testing gets a bad rap for being difficult, time-consuming, redundant, and above all - boring. But in fact, it is a proven way to ensure that your software will work flawlessly and can meet release schedules. In a two-course series, we will teach you automated software testing in an...
Building a RISC-V CPU Core is designed for anyone with a technical inclination who is interested in learning more about hardware. Whether you are new to digital logic or are a seasoned veteran, students will take away new skills that can be applied immediately. No prior knowledge of digital logic...
The demand for software engineers doubled according to the “State of Software Engineers” report by the tech specialist Hired. Nearly every industry uses software to accelerate its growth, providing a vast number of opportunities. With the importance of software engineers and the technical ski...
Welcome to this Spark AR Studio advanced course. In this course, you will learn how to use Spark AR advanced skills and techniques to create and design augmented reality (AR) filters and use custom AR. A fantastic place to get you going on your very own Spark AR journey! The goal of this course...
Welcome to this Spark AR Studio advanced course. In this course, you will build on your advanced skills and techniques to continue with your very own Spark AR journey! The goal of this course is to educate, motivate and nurture learners as they prepare to take the Spark AR Certification exam...
Same as the prerequisite course, we do not just enumerate side-channel effects and how to exploit them. We provide you with the experience of learning about side channels, in a group of students, living in a shared appartment. Together with them you will figure out that what software side...

Computer Science Online Courses for College Students

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