Computer Science Online Courses for College Students
Found 532 listings, displaying 241-260
Este es un curso introductorio para aprender a programar en Java diseñado para enseñar a escribir "buen" código en este lenguaje de programación, entendiendo como "bueno" aquel que es correcto y eficiente. Se introducirán los principios básicos de la ingeniería de software para facilitar la reu...
This is an introductory course to learn programming with Java designed to teach how to code good programs in Java, understanding “good” as both correct and efficient. Basic principles of software engineering will be introduced to make it easier for our future self and others to reuse code. Eth...
This MIS course will cover supporting tech infrastructures (Cloud, Databases, Big Data), the MIS development/ procurement process, and the main integrated systems, ERPs, such as SAP®, Oracle® or Microsoft Dynamics Navision®, as well as their relationship with Business Process Redesign. Ma...
En este curso introductorio de java aprenderás programación en Java de forma fácil e interactiva. Trabajarás con estructuras de datos fundamentales, tales como listas, pilas, colas y árboles, sobre las cuales se presentarán algoritmos para insertar, eliminar, buscar y ordenar información de una...
Questo corso ti permetterà di comprendere i meccanismi alla base del funzionamento di un robot come Thymio, di imparare a programmare Thymio con differenti linguaggi e di utilizzarlo in classe per lo svolgimento di attività educative. Il corso è strutturato in sei capitoli. Il primo affronta i co...
"Introduction to DevSecOps for Managers" is being offered at an inflection point in society. It has never been more fundamental in understanding how to not only rapidly deliver software that accomplishes businesses and mission objectives, but to also do so securely. This requires a firm...
Building and distributing software that is secure throughout its entire lifecycle can be challenging, leaving many projects unprepared to build securely by default. Attacks and vulnerabilities can emerge at any step of the chain, from writing to packaging and distributing software to end users...
Are you tired of hearing that your computer has a virus? Or that your email account has been hacked? Now, is the time for you to protect yourself by understanding the basics of cyber security. This computer science course presents an introduction to cyber security showing different aspects of...
¿Has oído hablar de los ataques que reciben las grandes compañías o los bancos a través de sus sistemas informáticos? ¿Sabes detectar un archivo infectado por un virus? O ¿conoces medidas de seguridad para proteger un equipo o una red de ciber-ataques? De acuerdo con una investigación de Cybersec...
HTML5 is the standard language of the Web, developed by W3C. For application developers and industry, HTML5 represents a set of features that people are able to rely on for years to come. HTML5 is supported on a wide variety of devices, lowering the cost of creating rich applications to reach...
This mini-course provides a practical introduction to commonly used Linux / UNIX shell commands and teaches you basics of Bash shell scripting to automate a variety of tasks. The course includes both video-based lectures as well as hands-on labs to practice and apply what you learn. You will have...
The building façade forms the interface between outside conditions and the habitable indoor climate, where we spend most of our time. So its design and construction seriously affect the performance of our buildings in terms of sustainability, energy efficiency, aesthetics and comfort. Façade t...
Critical urban infrastructure including energy, transportation, waste management, emergency service and communication systems are being hacked remotely by cyber attackers. These hackers use ransomware to encrypt the data cities need to run; then, they demand that public agencies pay a ransom to...
Want to learn how to create a digital product that is truly ready for the world? One that can be released in many markets and for different languages without any alterations to its code? This is the course for you! It shows you everything a developer or PM needs to know to keep in mind when...
The Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) in any given organization serves a leadership position, protecting the data and digital systems that a company’s employees as well as its customers depend upon. This course delves into the role that the CISO plays in cybersecurity operations. T...
Technologies are always being defeated. If you own an information asset that’s valuable enough to the right adversary, it’s only a matter of time before there’s a breach. Today’s technologies attempt to keep adversaries out, but the sad fact is they will inevitably be defeated. This means a succe...
In this course, you will focus on the pathways to cybersecurity career success. You will determine your own incoming skills, talent, and deep interests to apply toward a meaningful and informed exploration of 32 Digital Pathways of Cybersecurity. You will complete a self-assessment comprised of...
Want to know how to make your product relevant worldwide? Curious what it would take to have your app release in a set of international markets? Interested in what would be needed to show your website in several foreign languages? Learn what it takes to tailor digital products to a set of...
Are you a developer who wants to understand how their software can get released internationally, without their source code having to be altered? Or are you a PM responsible for launching a website across different markets? Or someone who is just curious to understand how digital products can be...
This course serves as an introduction to the exciting field of cybersecurity. As our daily lives become more and more dependent on Internet-based tools and services, and as those platforms accumulate more of our most sensitive data, the demand grows for experts in the field of cybersecurity. In...
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