Computer Science Online Courses for College Students
Found 534 listings, displaying 181-200
This course is designed to teach you how systems are developed using IoT technology. Many engineers and developers tend to focus ona single discipline - either software or hardware. However, in today’s connectedage it's critical to have a comprehensive understanding of both disciplines and how t...
With the advent of systems like AWS Lambda, the term serverless gained much popularity. However, many people are still unsure what it is for, and how it can help them build applications faster than traditional approaches. Other potential users are turned off by the arbitrary limits and lock-in of...
Modern software is under constant attack, but many software developers have never been told how to effectively counter those attacks. This course works to solve that problem, by explaining the fundamentals of developing secure software. Geared towards software developers, DevOps professionals,...
Modern software is under constant attack, but many software developers have never been told how to effectively counter those attacks. This course works to solve that problem, by explaining the fundamentals of developing secure software. Geared towards software developers, DevOps professionals,...
Modern software is under constant attack, but many software developers have never been told how to effectively counter those attacks. This course works to solve that problem, by explaining the fundamentals of developing secure software. Geared towards software developers, DevOps professionals,...
Are you ready to scale your (tiny) machine learning application? Do you have the infrastructure in place to grow? Do you know what resources you need to take your product from a proof-of-concept algorithm on a device to a substantial business? Machine Learning (ML) is more than just technology...
El curso presenta los elementos básicos y las tendencias actuales para realizar una evaluación completa del entorno construido y desarrolla las herramientas para el análisis de impacto de la política de sostenibilidad urbana. Durante la primera semana, las dimensiones de la sostenibilidad urb...
Este curso ofrece un enfoque interdisciplinario de la sostenibilidad en Arquitectura. Los alumnos conocerán los elementos básicos de las evaluaciones de sostenibilidad (primera capa del modelo), así como las tendencias actuales relacionadas. Eel curso permite a los estudiantes desarrollar un mo...
In modern cloud native application development, it’s often times the goal to build out serverlessarchitectures that are scalable, are highly available, and are fully managed. This mean, less operational overhead for you and your business, and more focusing on the applications and business s...
In modern cloud native application development, it’s often times the goal to build out serverless architectures that are scalable, are highly available, and are fully managed. This mean, less operational overhead for you and your business, and more focusing on the applications and business s...
Le Design UX c'est plus que de l’idéation : c’est avoir des idées centrées sur l'utilisateur, ancrées dans le contexte technologique et d’affaires unique à son client. Le Design UX est le moment où l’innovation fait son entrée dans le projet. Dans ce cours, vous apprendrez à guider votre éq...
Never before has the video game market been at a better time. There are currently many platforms available and the emergence of mobile devices has revolutionized the sector. The existence of multiple platforms implies great challenges for developers in decision making, both in the choice of...
Android es la plataforma libre desarrollada por Google, ampliamente utilizada en multitud de dispositivos como móviles, tabletas, TV, wearables e Internet de las cosas. Su expansión ha sido espectacular, siendo el S.O. más utilizado en la actualidad. Tras realizar este curso conocerás los fun...
In this fully immersive course, you will learn to master the Ethereum ecosystem through a series of hands-on demonstrations. You will gain an in-depth knowledge of the technology underlying various platforms such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Hyperledger and MultiChain. The course will cover foundational...
In modern cloud native application development, it’s often times the goal to build out serverlessarchitectures that are scalable, are highly available, and are fully managed. This mean, less operational overhead for you and your business, and more focusing on the applications and business s...
Processing information is the hallmark of all modern organizations, which are increasingly digital: absorbing, processing and generating information is a key element of their business. Being able to interact flexibly and efficiently with the underlying data and software systems is an...
Este curso empieza desde 0 para aprender a programar con Python, tratando los fundamentos de programación como son las variables y constantes, las condiciones, los bucles y los módulos y funciones, para acabar introduciendo el tratamiento de cadenas de texto y los ficheros. De esta forma, al a...
The service mesh is an increasingly critical component of the cloud native ecosystem, with the Kubernetes ecosystem especially using service mesh projects to add reliability, security, and observability to applications. In this course, students will learn the basics of the service mesh and the...
L'UX vous intrigue et vous avez un esprit scientifique? L’UX a besoin de vous! L’évaluation UX est une pratique empirique; cette expertise est la plus répandue et la plus recherchée parmi les diverses spécialisations en UX. Les tests utilisateur accompagnent le développement des interfac...
Este curso trata la Teoría de Grafos desde el punto de vista de la modelización, lo que nos permitirá con posterioridad resolver muchos problemas de diversa índole. Presentaremos ejemplos de los distintos problemas en un contexto real, analizaremos la representación de éstos mediante grafos y ver...
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