Arts and Humanities Online Courses for College Students

Found 221 listings, displaying 1-20
What can we learn through philosophical inquiry that will help us to think with clarity, rigour and humour about things that matter? This course introduces principles of philosophical inquiry and critical thinking that will help us answer this question. Learn how we can use philosophical ideas to...
A House Divided: The Road to Civil War, 1850-1861 begins by examining how generations of historians have explained the crisis of the Union. After discussing the institution of slavery and its central role in the southern and national economies, it turns to an account of the political and social...
In this course, we will explore a series of contemporary conflicts in different regions of the world with a special focus on identifying and analyzing the diverse and complex roles that religions play in both promoting and mitigating violence in each context. Students will learn a method for...
Understanding how gender intersects with various cultural and social concepts is not only essential to understanding gender studies as a scientific discipline, it is also an important part of moving through and experiencing the world as a human being. Understanding gender and intersectionality...
The fashion industry has a large influence on the global economy and is more and more known for its social and environmental impact. Everywhere, new sustainable initiatives are arising from recycling, upcycling to creating clothes from compostable materials. Circularity tough, is a complex...
Gender equality is one of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. As such, learning about the theoretical and practical interplay between gender and international development is of utmost importance to anyone working in or considering a career in this field. Here you will learn about s...
This literature course explores how great writers refract their world and how their works are transformed when they intervene in our global cultural landscape today. No national literature has ever grown up in isolation from the cultures around it; from the earliest periods, great works of...
In the first act of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet , the Ghost of the dead King of Denmark appears to his son, setting off a chain of events that culminates in the play’s notoriously bloody finale. But how would this mysterious figure have been understood in Shakespeare’s time? Harvard profe...
Taught by lauded Harvard professor Michael Sandel, Justice explores critical analysis of classical and contemporary theories of justice, including discussion of present-day applications. Topics include affirmative action, income distribution, same-sex marriage, the role of markets, debates about...
This course systematically explores the effectiveness of the law and justice system from a psychological perspective. By experiencing a fictional case first hand, you will learn about the psychology of law and some of the misconceptions commonly held about criminal justice.Created by: The...
Ever wondered about the sacred scriptures that have sustained for millennia one of the oldest and most diverse religions of the world - Hinduism? Want to discover the lessons this history may offer mankind in the 21st century? This religion course introduces the rich and diverse textual sources...
Do you have a passion for music and want to learn more about how it works? Are you a musician who learned by ear and has no formal training? Would you like to study music but are unsure of where to begin? Then this music theory course is for you. This course includes six lessons that will give...
n un escenario de posibilidades tecnológicas y de acceso a la información casi ilimitados, la diferencia no la hace lo que sabemos hacer hoy, sino lo que podemos imaginar. El pensamiento creativo y su constante práctica son, como nunca antes, los medios más relevantes y seguros para liberar el...
This course prepares you to read more deeply and write more clearly about works of literature. Through an engaging collection of videos, authentic readings, and support material from a variety of sources, you will learn to appreciate literature from different genres. This course will focus on...
Join me for an introductory course on biblical archaeology of ancient Israel and Judah during the Iron Age (ca. 1200-586 BCE). In this course, we will use cutting-edge, inter-disciplinary archaeological research to explore the fascinating field of archaeology, the history of this era, and it's...
This course will introduce you to the magnificent world of western classical music. The course is suited for students without any background in music as well as for advanced students who wish to explore the origins of western music. The course offers an overview of the main classical composers...
This literature course explores how great writers refract their world and how their works are transformed when they intervene in our global cultural landscape today. No national literature has ever grown up in isolation from the cultures around it; from the earliest periods, great works of...
This short literature course, based on the first half of the Masterpieces of World Literature edX MOOC, examines how civilizations and cultures of the ancient world defined themselves through literature and how that literature has continued to contribute to our understanding of those...
In this course you will be introduced to the concepts and techniques used in logic. We will start right from the beginning, assuming no prior exposure to this or similar material, and progress through discussions of the proof and model theories of propositional and first-order logic. All learners...
Kirche ist nicht nur eine theologische, sondern auch eine durch und durch historische Größe. Kirche, Theologie, selbst das Glaubensbekenntnis – all das hat seine Geschichte, die Geschichte eines Traditionsprozesses. Die Reflexion auf diesen Prozess, auf Kontinuitäten, Verwerfungen, Brüche und N...

Arts and Humanities Online Courses for College Students

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