We've Got Spirit How 'Bout You?
It’s a low of about 18 degrees, wind-chill of about 15 degrees, and it’s raining—perfect time to go camping? True Blue BYU fans sure thought so, four days before the big basketball game against Gonzaga BYU students started camping out to ensure that they would get their tickets. Rules of camping out were solely to set up your tent in line behind the others and to have someone in the tent at all times…occasionally this meant getting a tent “babysitter” in order for students to go to their classes.
Once inside the Marriott Center Thursday night these BYU students then took the time to learn a routine to the song “Good Feeling” by Flo Rida in order to start a flash mob during one of the timeouts about half way through the game.
If that’s not school spirit then I don’t know what is!
From 9pm all the way to 11 that night there wasn’t a quiet moment in that gym; fans went crazy over everything, good, bad, and ugly. Each time Gonzaga had to call a timeout we would stand and sing our school song “Rise and Shout” to play on their emotions even more, and at the end of the game the student section all got out their keys and started shaking them to indicate to Gonzaga that it was time to go home.
Through the elaborate cheers of over 23,000 fans, and the best game I’ve seen those boys play in a long time, BYU was able to beat Gonzaga 83-73.
Go Cougars!