101 Reasons to Love Lucy

By Cassandra Fournet on August 6, 2012


Exactly 101 years ago, on August 6, 1911, Lucille Ball was born in Jamestown, New York.

Today, we celebrate the life and legacy of a comedian, television star, stage actress, radio performer, and model.  Ball got her start in 1929 when she was recruited by Hattie Carnegie as a model.  She took this job simply to “pay for the groceries”, but was soon picked up by Hollywood. Lucille Ball changed the television industry. She was not only a leader, but America’s favorite redhead.

The following are 101 reasons to remember Lucille Ball, some are direct quotes and others from well-known television episodes and movies.


  1. That red hair.
  2. For her drunken act as a salesgirl for Vitameatavegemin. (Lucy Does a TV Commercial-I Love Lucy)
  3. “Lucy, you’ve got some splainin’ to do!” (I Love Lucy)
  4. Because her and John Wayne were friends.
  5. “The secret to staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.”
  6. Because her and Ethel crammed all that chocolate into their clothes and mouths. (Job Switching-I Love Lucy)
  7. “Some people are cut out for champagne and caviar. I’m more the beer and pretzel type.” (Lucy Hires a Maid-I Love Lucy)
  8. For the way she rocked that burlap sack in France that Ricky schemed up.(Lucy Gets a Paris Gown-I Love Lucy)
  9. When she took too many sleeping pills and Mr. Mooney had to carry her home. (Lucy and the Ring-A-Ding Ring-The Lucy Show)
  10. “Santa Claus brings the north pole with him and slides down it like a fireman.” (Christmas-I Love Lucy)
  11. For the way she made fun of Ricky’s Cuban accent.
  12. For swinging on those ballet bars. (The Ballet-I Love Lucy)
  13. Because of her dance in the grape pit. (Lucy’s Italian Movie-I Love Lucy)
  14. For the “Lucy Fest” in Jamestown, New York.
  15. When she is taught by the Burlesque comic. (The Ballet-I Love Lucy)
  16. Because she was the first woman to own a multi-million dollar corporation.
  17. “I’d rather regret things I’ve done than regret the things I haven’t done.”
  18. For standing up for herself when CBS told her America would never accept the show, “I Love Lucy”.
  19. Because she set her fake nose on fire in front of William Holden.(L.A. At Last- I Love Lucy)
  20. “I thought I looked hysterical, and I never had such a good time as with that silly-ass song.” (The Operetta-Her favorite I Love Lucy episode)
  21. Because on her 100th birthday 915 Ball look-a-likes gathered in the streets of Jamestown, New York
  22. For her radio show, “My Favorite Husband”.
  23. Because the public has chosen her as the greatest television icon.
  24. Because she is the queen of comedy.
  25. “You cannot teach someone comedy. Either they have it or they don’t.”
  26. For getting a grapefruit out of Richard Widmark’s tree. (The Tour-I Love Lucy)
  27. Because she appeared on the cover of TV Guide 29 times, which is more than any other person.
  28. “Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself.”
  29. For creating the longest recorded laugh in television history. (Lucy Raises Chickens-I Love Lucy)
  30. For the way she said “eeehhhhh”.
  31. Because she was awarded the “Legacy of Laughter”.
  32. “In life, all good things come hard, but wisdom is the hardest to come by.”
  33. Because she could make you laugh simply by making a face.
  34. For the awful way she sang.
  35. Because TV Guide voted she was the greatest TV star of all time.
  36. For trying to make the guards at Buckingham Palace laugh. (Lucy Meets the Queen-I Love Lucy)
  37. “A man who correctly guesses a woman’s age may be smart, but he’s not very bright.”
  38. “Bonas Dies Maydree”  (Lucy’s Mother-In-Law-I Love Lucy)
  39. Because she didn’t quit when her drama school told her she had no talent.
  40. For being the best television crier.
  41. “Desi was the great love of my life. I will miss him until the day I die.”
  42. Because she smuggled a cheese baby on an airplane. (Home From Europe-I Love Lucy)
  43. For the way she looks after charm school. (Charm School-I Love Lucy)
  44. “I’m not funny. What I am is brave.”
  45. Because she starred in 81 movies and 406 television sitcom episodes.
  46. “That’s a legend.” –Joan Rivers
  47. That polka dot dress.
  48. Because she dressed as a martian on-top of the Empire State Building. (Lucy is Envious-I Love Lucy)
  49. Because she went by the alias Diane Bellemont.
  50. “I work better with an audience. I am dead, in fact without one.”
  51. For all the trouble she gave Mr. Mooney.
  52. Because she put her Chesterfield cigarettes into a Phillip Morris package to please her sponsor.
  53. Those blue eyes.
  54. For her career that spanned 56 years.
  55. Because she was known as the first lady in television.
  56. “If you ever want to go around New York incognito just dress as a bag woman. Nobody looks at you.”
  57. Because she could do anything a man could do.
  58. “Steel knuckles Carmichael” (Lucy Meets the Law- The Lucy Show)
  59. For being a firm believer in the liberation of women.
  60. Because she became a model just to buy the groceries.
  61. “I had such fun making that show (I Love Lucy), nothing can ever top it.”
  62. Because she knew how to camp. (The Long, Long Trailer)
  63. For stealing John Wayne’s footprints at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre.(Lucy and John Wayne-I Love Lucy)
  64. “That’s a hunk o’ woman!”-Desi Arnaz
  65. Because her and Carol Burnett were a show-stopping duo. (Lucy Gets a Roommate-The Lucy Show)
  66. Because she was the first woman in the U.S. Marines. ( Lucy Gets Caught Up in the Draft- The Lucy Show)
  67. For improvising her scripts.
  68. Because she mowed her own lawn. (Lucy Raises Tulips-I Love Lucy)
  69. Because she always played a crazy redhead.
  70. “Until our trails cross again, may your grazing be the greenest, and your waterhole never run dry. I remain yours until the feathers of the red man turn gray.” (Lucy Meets John Wayne-The Lucy Show)
  71. Because she was 5 feet and 7 inches of natural beauty.
  72. Because she was rescued by Superman on her apartment ledge. (Lucy and Superman-I Love Lucy)
  73. She was a fix- it-yourself kind of girl. (Lucy and Viv Put in a Shower-The Lucy Show)
  74. Here’s Lucy.
  75. “Well I’m your Vitavigavegivat girl.” (Lucy Does a TV Commercial-I Love Lucy)
  76. Because the whole world knows who she is.
  77. Because her greatest achievement was Lucy Ricardo.
  78. For being a “meat and potatoes” kind of girl.
  79. “Now…Ricky!”(I Love Lucy)
  80. Because no matter what she said, the audience always laughed.
  81. Because she didn’t mind wearing a full beard. (The Mustache-I Love Lucy)
  82. For being loyal to her fans.
  83. Because her and Ethel were the epitome of best friends.
  84. “No I dunt.” (I Love Lucy)
  85. Because she did all of her stunts herself.
  86. For playing a mean game of poker. (Be A Pal-I Love Lucy)
  87. Because her favorite thing to do was go to work.
  88. “The more things you do, the more you can do.”
  89. Because  “I Love Lucy” was the first show to feature a pregnant woman.
  90. The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour.
  91. Lucy Flies to London. (The Lucy Show)
  92. Because she was always on Hollywood’s best dressed list.
  93. Forever, Darling.
  94. “I think knowing what you cannot do is more important than knowing what you can do. In fact that’s good taste.”
  95. Yours, Mine and Ours.
  96. “Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.”
  97. Because she loved the episode when she has her baby. (Lucy Has a Baby-I Love Lucy)
  98. “Life is heaven you see, cause’ I love Lucy. Yes I love Lucy and Lucy loves me.” (Theme song-I Love Lucy)
  99. Because divorced or not Desi Arnaz sent her flowers every year on their anniversary.
  100. Those ruby, red lips.
  101. For being the hero of a young writer who watches “I Love Lucy” when she needs a good laugh.

I Love Lucy

Lucille Ball always said, “Once in his life, every man is entitled to fall madly in love with a gorgeous redhead.” In her case,she made the whole world fall in love with her, and will continue to do so throughout the years.

Happy 101st Birthday Lucy!


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