Taylor & Francis to Host Webinar for Environmental Sciences Researchers
To mark Earth Month, Taylor and Francis, a leading scholarly publisher, is hosting a webinar for early career researchers in the environmental sciences, according to a recent press release. This live virtual discussion on Monday, April 24, is designed to empower researchers with essential insights and timely tips they need to get their research published, making an impact on the world and in their careers—while also addressing a host of environmental issues.
While the interactive discussion is designed specifically for early career researchers, knowledge makers at any career stage will find tremendous value in the session, including a robust Q&A session following a panel discussion of experts in scholarly publishing, according to event organizers.
The event, “Environmental Sciences: An Empowered Path to Publishing for Early Career Researchers,” on Monday, April 24, at 9:30 a.m. (EST), will be moderated by Martin Wilson, Head of Content, Researcher Services, Taylor & Francis.
Among the panelists offering critical insights are:
• Douglas Hilderbrand, Preparedness and Resilience Program Lead, for the National Weather Service (NWS) and the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Hilderbrand is also a published author within the Taylor & Francis Environmental Sciences Portfolio.
• Debora F. Rodrigues, Ph.D., Program Director, Partnerships for Innovation, National Science Foundation
• Liz Marchant, Global Portfolio Director, Life, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Taylor & Francis
• Andrew Bostjancic, Open Research Policy & External Affairs Manager, Taylor & Francis
To register, copy the following link into your browser. https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4543262740449376864.