5 Tips to Help You Choose Artwork for Your Home
For most people, the skill of interior design doesn’t always come naturally. Sure, we have an idea about what looks the most aesthetically appealing or pleasing in our eyes, but sometimes our ideas collide with the overall theme of our home.
Choosing artwork for your home can be a struggle. While you want to give certain spaces a unique display of your taste and personality, you also don’t want the pieces you select to be off-putting or clash with what else you have going on. The artwork you select to put throughout your home, whether it be in the kitchen or the bedroom, should be unique but also stylish and fun.
Connecting your home through artwork can seem a little intimidating, but there are a few simple ways to do this all while enjoying the process at the same time. Does your home feel disconnected? Looking to give it a pinch of your personality, but don’t know where to start? Unsure of the right artwork pieces to decorate your walls? These tips will break down exactly how to decorate each room in your house with artwork in a tasteful, yet unique way! By the end, you’ll feel like an interior designer!
Kitchen: Though it is most likely not the focal point of your home, the kitchen is definitely an important component that holds your home together, so much so that it is commonly referred to as “the heart of the home.”
Normally, the kitchen is one of the most neglected places in terms of artwork decorating because most people don’t think to do so. However, having artwork in your kitchen will make the space more inviting and homey. Consider getting food-related pieces to put on your walls, or even frame a quirky dish towel for a special touch! Stores like Target have fun towels for around $3!
Bedroom: The bedroom is that private place you call yours at the end of the day, after everyone leaves and you are by yourself. A place of relaxation and ultimate peace, your bedroom should have artwork that reflects the very feeling you get when you rest your head on your pillow at night.
Include artwork that ties into the theme of your room, compliments the color of your walls and reflects what you love. Maybe its floral paintings, or vintage black and white photography, whatever you love, add these pieces above your bed or on the sides of your bed for a nice focal point.
Office: Most people won’t be sitting around and starting conversations in your home office, as it is another place that is mostly private for you and those you live with. Because the office is meant to be a place of productivity and where work is conducted, it’s important to choose artwork that both motivates you and makes you feel inspired.
In a Spruce article written by Design Vice, they suggest making a gallery using floating shelves, saying, “Pick out an assortment of artwork that inspires you. Envision a mood board of sorts, positive images, or works by artists who inspire you are good places to start. You want to incorporate different sizes as well, big and small so the possibilities are endless.”
Bathroom: Perhaps coming in right above the kitchen in rooms that are decor neglected is the bathroom. Most of us never really think about seriously decorating a bathroom because of the limited time spent in the room. However, artwork in your bathroom can help to liven up the space and overall make your home more inviting, as doing so shows you care about how your home looks. When adding artwork to your bathroom, you mainly want to stick with pieces that can be both durable and inexpensive, as the room is vulnerable to heat/humidity from shower use.
In a blog post by Modern Bathroom, they note, “Limited edition prints, a poster signed by your favorite band, or anything overly sentimental should be hung elsewhere in your home. Although many pieces of art can withstand the harsh elements of a bathroom, take proactive measures, and save yourself the worry.”
Living room: The living room is the space where you can enjoy time with family or entertain a large party with guests. Choosing artwork for your living room doesn’t have to be hard, and can instead be really fun! Try not to be intimidated by the idea that it has to look perfect, and consider getting some fun statement pieces, like a flag, canvas portraits of family, a favorite movie poster, vintage pieces, etc.
When it comes to decorating your home with artwork, it can seem like you don’t have the right “touch” to make your space look nice. However, remember that artwork in your home is supposed to reflect your personality and what makes you uniquely great!