6 Ways to Adult-ify Your Home
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As a young adult, there are a number of things we want to either do or accomplish in order to be considered an adult. In fact, this is such a phenomenon with millennials today that the term, “adulting” is used and thrown around in everyday language almost on a daily basis. Whether it’s getting a full-time, “adult” job or moving out of your parents’ home into a place of your own, being an adult and acting like one can be a little overwhelming, scary but oh-so-fun and rewarding at the same time!
When moving into a new house or apartment, there are what seems like a million new things that fill your mind (and overwhelm you). You no longer have to worry about a poster or couch pillow that your mom will fuss about, or a lamp that your dad will say is a waste of money. You are in control and you have the choice to decorate your new home any which way you please. While a thought frequent on the minds of young adults is moving into a new home, however, one that is even more present is how exactly to make the place feel more grown-up and polished.
Did you just move into a new place? Overwhelmed by the idea of trying to give off the impression of a put-together grownup? Here are six ways to “adult-ify” your home!
1. Get in Touch with Your Green Thumb.
For some reason, plants are popular among adults, both young and old. I think it has something to do with the notion that if you have a healthy, growing plant that your life resembles the same. That if you can keep a plant alive, you have your life together. I don’t know if this is true or not, however, just by appearance, I know that plants make a room feel more grown-up. One way to add that grown-up feeling to your home is to put different kinds of plants throughout your kitchen, bedroom and living room areas! Not only are plants a beautiful decorative piece, but they also give your place a fresh, lively vibe- all representative of how you are feeling as a person, right?
2. Framed Posters/Artwork.
We all had fun posters as kids into our teenage and college years. There is definitely nothing wrong with those posters, but we most likely either taped them or pinned them to the wall, making them look a tad adolescent. To give your apartment a grown-up feeling, frame any of your favorite posters! For brownie points, get some fancy canvas paintings or framed artwork to give your walls extra pizzazz.
3. Update Your Lighting.
As an adult, ditch the cheap side table and floor lamps you once got to light up your side of the dorm room and indulge in some elegant lighting. In an article by Carolyn Steber of Bustle, she comments on the importance of good lighting stating, “Do yourself a favor and do away with tiny plastic lamps, and those paper things you had in high school. Get something that makes a statement, and fills your space with light.”
4. Organize Your Alcohol.
No self-respecting adult has all their alcohol just lying around on various countertops! Instead of clustering together your wine bottles and other various alcohol bottles together in one spot, consider organizing them together on a rack or in a glass cabinet!
5. Have Special Places for Everything.
Part of the chaos of being a young adult is never having a place for those weird items that seem like they don’t have a place. You know, your mail, an umbrella, etc. Organization is something that can instantly make your place feel grown-up and cleaner. Catherine Andrews of Refinery29 writes, “Get containers for everything, and put everything in containers. Put your mail in a little basket. Try wicker baskets in your entryway to hold your umbrellas, scarves, shoes, and other miscellany.”
6. Utilize Space Like a Pro.
Once you have your own place, you want it to be as functional as possible. Of course, the aesthetics of your apartment/home matter, but you also want the space to have a practical functionality to it. Sometimes statement furniture pieces look good, but they don’t serve a purpose other than looking nice- which is where an ottoman comes in! A piece like an ottoman helps to make your space feel more grown-up for many reasons! Real estate agent Darlene Umina notes, “Use them as seating or transform one into a coffee table by placing a tray on top for drinks. It can go from sophisticated to cozy to cuddling—whatever you really need!”
When you have your own place, properly trying to decorate it to your new adult taste isn’t always easy. But, renting furniture from CORT can help to alleviate the struggles of furnishing your home and make decorating more fun!
Looking for an easy way to furnish your off-campus apartment? Renting furniture from CORT saves you time and money. See how easy it is to get great looking furniture without breaking the bank.