Health Facts Everyone Should Know
These are four health facts everyone should know. A healthy person knows that making long-term commitments for their health will benefit them in the future. Applying these facts to your everyday life will help you be healthy!
Healthy people have a unique decision-making process. Have you ever gone to a restaurant with a friend who takes way too long to order their food? Well, research shows that people who are more willing to give up their time and resources when making decisions are physically healthier. Next time you are thinking about staying-in or eating-out, weigh your options. Do not settle for good enough when it comes to your health. Exhaust every possible option until you find the choice that is best for you in the long-term.
The people around you influence your health. Research shows that the healthiest adults think that their friends display healthy habits similar to their own. On the contrary, people surrounded by unhealthy people have lower well-being and poor eating habits. The least healthy adults perceive their friends eating habits to be healthier than theirs. Healthy people – reach out your hand and help your loved ones make healthier choices. For those who feel less healthy than the people around them, ask a trusted friend for advice and help. Your loved ones want you to be the happiest and healthiest you can be!
You have to eat vegetables to be healthy. I know it seems obvious, but less than ten percent of U.S. adults eat enough vegetables. Before you eat, look down at your plate. Is at least a third of your plate filled with vegetables? If not, chances are you are not eating enough veggies. You can avoid leading causes of death, like obesity and heart disease, by eating plenty of veggies. When choosing foods to add to your plate prioritize vegetables first, whole grains second, and fruits third. Make sure that these three food groups make up at least 80% of your plate. Sometimes it can be difficult to prepare delicious vegetables, but so many veggies can be good for your taste buds. Pinch of Yum and Minimalist Baker are great food blogs that find easy ways to incorporate plenty of veggies in their recipes.
Access to health services is an important factor to your health. Accredited medical professionals are the best resource for health advice. People with continuous healthcare coverage have better overall health outcomes. People who do not have access to healthcare face a greater decline in health and die sooner. Making sure that you have access to healthcare is extremely important to your long-term health.