7 Ways You Might Be Annoying Your Roommate
We have all heard horror stories about annoying roommates and hope we don’t end up with one of them. But we should also be mindful of our own behavior toward our roommates to make sure WE aren’t being the ‘annoying roommates.’
Here are a few ways you might be annoying your roommates, and how to stop it.
1. Disturbing their sleep
If they are asleep, don’t disturb them. Don’t turn on the lights or play music/the TV out loud. If you must listen to music or watch TV, use your headphones. If you must study with the lights on, go somewhere else (like the library, a common/study room, or a friend’s room). Try to figure out your roommate’s sleep schedule, and respect their precious sleep time.
2. Never leaving the room
Even if your roommate claims they don’t want to spend much time in the room, it’ll still be a treat to have the room to themselves. I know I certainly appreciate the times when I have the room to myself!
Don’t stay in the room all the time. Give them the room for a few hours while you head to the library or to a coffee shop. Don’t be that annoying roommate that never leaves the room!
3. Not being clear about visitors … especially overnight ones
Overnight visitors (especially of the opposite sex) are a big source of conflict between roommates. The best way to avoid this kind of conflict is to communicate with your roommate about your plans ahead of time. If you are planning to invite someone to your room, let your roommate know.
This is very important if they will be staying overnight. Simply shooting your roommate a quick text letting them know someone is coming over can make a world of difference.
4. Disrespecting their stuff
Just because you wouldn’t mind if your roommate used your stuff, doesn’t mean your roommate wouldn’t mind if you used their stuff. Few things are more annoying than finding your roommate borrowing your favorite shirt without asking you first. If you do need to use something they have, please ask them for permission to use it first.
If they do grant you the permission, treat their stuff like gold. Return it to them in the same condition you found it, or in even better condition.
5. Disrespecting the shared space
This room belongs to both of you. You must respect the space, not only for your sake but also for your roommates’. Don’t leave the room messy or dirty. Don’t pile up dirty dishes in the sink. Don’t leave your trash or your dirty laundry out (yes, I know someone whose roommate did that to her).
Keep the room clean, organized, and presentable. If you share a bathroom, be sure to not leave your products all over the vanity and don’t leave the sink dirty.
6. Ignoring them
You don’t have to be best friends with your roommate, but it’s rude to ignore them. For example, say hello when you see each other. If they seem to be struggling with something, offer to help. Just be mindful of them and acknowledge their presence. It’s okay if you don’t talk all the time, but please treat them like a human being.
7. Not taking a hint
It’s important to observe your roommate’s body language to make sure you don’t annoy them. For example, if your roommate is studying with headphones on, don’t disturb them unless it’s something important. If your roommate is getting ready for bed, don’t start blasting music or inviting people over.
All in all, just respect your roommate, their stuff, and the space you share. Don’t do anything you wouldn’t want them to do. If you are a good roommate to them, chances are, they will be a good roommate to you.