8 Things That Happen When You Live With a Great Roommate
Roommate matching can be one of the most frustrating experiences while in college. You may think you know someone well enough to live with them until you move in together. Best friends can turn against each other.
However, in some rare instances, you may find a great roommate who you can’t live without. When you do find that diamond in the rough, hold on tight and experience some of the things that happen when you live with a great roommate.
1. Harmony
When you live with a great roommate, you live in harmony. You won’t have any horror stories to tell your friends about living with your roommate. Instead, your friends will be jealous of the great times and harmonious lifestyle you have when you live with a great roommate.
Forget about the passive-aggressive tactics you learned from previous roommates because when you live with a great roommate, you can tell them directly if something is bothering you or if you would like to change something about the way the two of you are living.
2. Live-in BFF
Chances are that when you live with a great roommate, you will become great friends. Your personalities mesh well and you enjoy spending time together. That means that you have a live-in best friend when you live with a great roommate. No matter what time of the day it is, you can hang out with your roommate and talk, laugh, or watch movies. Everyday activities including cooking and cleaning are more fun when you do them with your roommate or live-in BFF.
3. Late night talks
You can go to your roommate about everything and anything that is going on in your life because they’re always there for you. They overhear your phone conversations and always know what you’re up to. They are the number one person who knows what is going on in your life. So, those nights you two start talking about classes, significant others, dating, and gossip can turn into all-nighters and late night talks.
4. Bored no more
When you get along with a great roommate, you will never be bored when you’re home. If you decide to stay in on a Friday night, don’t expect to be bored if your roommate is home. Just sitting on the couch or watching a movie can be more fun than going to a party. When you’re just sitting on the couch and your roommate comes home, you can count on a good conversation and some good laughs. Don’t fret about ever being bored again.
5. Inside jokes
When you live with someone, you’ll see every side of them. You’ll see when they wake up in the morning when they look their best before going on a date, when they’re sick with the flu, and when they get a little too tipsy after happy hour. Being around someone for so long and seeing them at their best and worst can create inside jokes that will last forever between the two of you.
Years after college you’ll get together for lunch and say, “Remember that time …” and you’ll know exactly what they’re talking about.
6. Social gatherings
Chances are that if you are friends with your roommate, you’ll be friendly with their friends and vice versa. When you both get along with each other’s friends, then you just doubled your social circle. Your apartment will become the hub for pregames, watching the Superbowl, and snow day gatherings. People will always be over and you’ll want them over! Your apartment will be known for making the best memories and where people have the most fun.
7. Roommate dates
Living with a great roommate means wanting to be with each other even outside of the house. You may make time for roommate dates because let’s face it, life can get crazy and you may not see each other for a few days at a time because your schedules don’t overlap. Make some time and go out for a drink or grab a bite to eat and catch up with what is happening in each other’s lives.
8. Feels like home
The most important thing about living with a great roommate is that your apartment feels like home. You are comfortable living there and feel like you can truly be yourself in your apartment. You are able to use the common area at any time and sit in any position on the couch as you’d like and feel comfortable when your roommate walks in.
You don’t have to put on an act or pretend to feel something other than how you feel in that moment. Living with a great roommate not only offers you a great friend but helps you feel like you’re home.