Behold, The Only 5 Time Management Tips You Need to Know

By Uloop Writer on February 26, 2017

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Between juggling a social life, an internship, doing homework and studying for exams, we can find it tough to strike a work-life balance. The solution? Time management.

Here are the top time management tips I’ve rounded up to help you have a well-rounded life. (No pun intended!)

1. Rise an hour earlier

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I know, it’s so tempting to hit snooze every morning and continue dreaming about, um … unicorns! Or pizzas? Then when it dawned on you that you’re late, you’ll shower and dress in a rush, race to the bus stop, and oh wait, you haven’t gobbled breakfast yet!

Sounds hectic, doesn’t it? Trust me, rising an hour earlier is the best way to start the day.

2. Write a to-do list

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Now that you have taken the crucial step of waking up earlier, it’s time to plan the day ahead. Don’t check Twitter first thing in the morning. Rather, start by writing a to-do list; either use pen and paper, or apps like Remember the Milk.

Unfortunately, time is finite, but our tasks are not. That’s why you have to prioritize. Out of all the tasks listed, pick five (and only five!) that are the most important. Remember, less is more. Then, out of these five tasks, do the most urgent one you keep putting off first.

3. Conquer procrastination!

Image via Thought Catalog 

We are in the golden age of procrastination. Just look at how many students have written comical How to Procrastinate Like a Pro articles. I challenge you to resist the temptation of clicking the previous link and check out these tips to conquer procrastination instead. *Evil laugh*

4. Say no to multitasking

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Have you ever texted while eating, or studied while watching TV?

Many of us think that we can do more in less time. But research scientists have shown that multitasking is a myth. What we’re doing, actually, is NOT multitasking; it’s task-switching. It’s easy to get sidetracked — there’s Twitter, Facebook, email, and the list can go on. But checking them throughout the day while working is a sign of poor time management. Focus on one task at a time.

Also, eliminate distractions. Use apps such as Focal Filter to block distracting websites, or simply keep your gadgets in a drawer. Schedule specific times when you can check social media and email.

5. Fall in love with adequate sleep

Image via Taringa! 

Many students think that staying up late studying for exams is productive. But it’s not — sorry! Instead of having more time to accomplish things, you’ll make more mistakes. As we all know, lack of sleep lowers our concentration.

Plus, staying up late encourages weight gain. (Midnight snacking, anyone?) The eight hours of sleep recommendation shouldn’t be taken lightly. You want to avoid wasting time and get better grades, right? Right. So, get adequate rest.

Bonus tip: Have fun and stay motivated!

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Some days, you’ll have a massive list of to-do’s and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. The key is to plan some downtime to reduce burnout. Writing that five-page history essay can be less of a drudgery if you take short breaks in between. Find ways to refresh yourself — read memes online, or even make your own using Meme Generator!

Good luck, and happy time management!

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