Springtime Challenge: Attend More College Games
Spring semester is more than just blooming season for the flowers and a time where you strive to excel in your New Year’s resolutions checklist.
After attending class at your favorite local college, show your classmates and school your pride by attending a university or local community college sports game with your family and friends!
Here are a few fun tips to prepare you and your squad for a memorable experience! Check those school calendars for the full ‘swoop’ scoop of where your favorite teams are playing next!
1. Purchase tickets by using the unique uloop.com/tickets link found on the homepage at the very bottom and make plans with your family, friends, classmates, and co-workers to prepare for the next college sports game.
It’s always nice to purchase the tickets ahead of time so that you don’t risk missing the game as the date draws closer. As of late February, you can train hard on the side prior to the game to get pumped and add to the fitness journey you’ve been on. If you do use the unique Uloop feature to purchase your tickets, leave a comment on this article to let the Uloop community know the 4-1-1 of your college game experience this spring semester!
2. Choose wisely for an accessory such as a hat or attire to wear by visiting your favorite retailers such as Academy Sports and Outdoors, Champs, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Foot Locker, Footaction, Finish Line, Pro Image Sports, your campus bookstore, and more!
If you can wait and hold all the excitement in when you attend the sports game, whether it’s local or out of town nearby, visit the stores in the sports or campus center to make your special purchase. Buy matching accessories for the whole squad! Within the campus center, you can find student discounts and have fun choosing the perfect outfit while using your student discount.
A great idea to start with is a jersey. More great ideas for the ideal attire include your favorite team cotton tees, hats, shorts, and socks. Be sure to also shop your Barnes and Noble College Bookstore or campus bookstore online and order from quality brands. Chances are there are discounts available to take advantage of. You can avoid waiting in long lines and have the orders ship straight to your place or schedule a pickup at the bookstore!
3. Eat a large meal and drink plenty of fluids before attending the big sports game. There are a lot of recipes you can create in a short amount of time when you need that extra boost of energy for the second half of the day.
Water is not only great for hydration and detox and resets, but you can also add slices of your favorite fruits to your bottle or jug of water. You can also turn to some popular sports drinks such as BodyArmour or add juices and your favorite protein powder as a combination of a protein drink.
Your ideal healthy meals ought to consist of greens since it is spring and a serene and peaceful vibe to the spring game you’re about to attend. Check out some of these quick and jam-packed nutrient-filled meals.
There’s this rad section of Spoon University’s awesome recipe plans that will help you create that ideal meal within a matter of minutes. What’s awesome about this website is that you’re supporting another student’s chef-inspired creation while you ease your tastebuds! Then, when you return from the game (win or lose), you can test out another ‘winning’ recipe with your BFFs!
For more recipes, visit these links below to prepare early in your dorm, off-campus apartment, small kitchen, etc.:
Now that you have the three parts of game prep squared away, don’t forget to get away from the computer right now and stretch. Take a few deep breaths and call whoever you are planning on attending the game with and let them know that this spring college game planning and preparation is done for now.
Get hyped for the next game, get ready, and have loads of fun attending as many college games as you can this joyous spring semester!