How to Get Fit and Healthy The Right Way
At some point in our lives we all want to get fit and healthy. But being healthy is more than just about eating your greens and exercising, it’s a way of life. Thus you need to make it a lifestyle, not a trend or a phase that you go through in college. So many people want to be “healthy” and “fit” but most people don’t even know why or what it takes. Here are some tips to becoming healthy and fit:
1. Get enough hours of sleep
Being healthy is not just a physical thing, it’s about the mind, body and soul. If you work out five days a week but you don’t get enough sleep, you’re doing your body a disservice. The average person needs about 6-8 hours of sleep daily but everyone is different so find out what works for you and start catching some Zzzzz’s.
2. Have a balanced diet
A balanced diet consists of a combinations of protein, fats and carbohydrates. Each one of them plays an important role in our bodies and your intake of each is determined by your weight and nutritional needs.
3. Never skip breakfast
Most people don’t realize the importance of eating breakfast everyday. Breakfast is the first meal of the day so there’s no way you can start off right if you’re not nourishing your body with the fuel it needs to get you through the day. After all, you wouldn’t drive your car on E now would you? I didn’t think so. Breakfast can be as quick and easy as instant oatmeal, yogurt, or smoothies. You don’t have to sit down and have a huge breakfast. As long as you’re giving your body some fuel to run on then you’ll be fine.
4. Drink lots of water
Drinking the appropriate amount of water daily is crucial to your overall health. Considering the fact that our bodies are 60% water, it is important to stay hydrated throughout the day. We constantly lose water through tears, sweat and urine. Our bodies also use water to cool down when we overheat which is why it is always important to drink water in order to avoid dehydration. It is recommended to intake eight 8-ounce glasses per day which is also equivalent to about 2 liters per day.
5. Relax
Always implement relaxation into your daily routine. Whether it’s doing yoga at home or taking some time to take a walk in the afternoons, make sure that you make time for yourself to relax and reflect on your day.
6. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day everyday
If you’re running on a tight schedule and you don’t think you can make time to workout, think again. Exercise is very important if you’re trying to achieve a balanced lifestyle. There are so many benefits to exercising that I don’t even know where to begin. But the most common ones are an increased source of energy, an improved physical appearance and better endurance. So get out there and do what you like whether it’s dancing, running or lifting weights, whatever it is just do it!
7. Take Supplements
It’s always good to take supplements if you don’t feel like you’re getting the sufficient amount of vitamins from all your other foods. Vitamin C supplements are always good year-round to strengthen your immune system and prevent you from getting sick. Omega 3 supplements are good for the heart and help lower your LDL levels thus decreasing chances of high cholesterol. Other supplements such as multi-vitamins for men and women are a complete source of vitamins that helps cover those vitamins we often lack.
8. Use sunscreen daily
Most people tend to over look the skin when they think about health and wellness. But taking care of your skin is just as important as taking care of the rest of your body. Skin cancer is the – most common cancer in the United States and this is because people don’t take care of their epidermis. The most sensitive part of your skin is your face and even though the sun may not be bright everyday those sunrays and UV light that can cause sun damage and pre-mature aging are still hitting you. To avoid risking the possibility of skin cancer an even sun damage to your face, always put sunscreen on before you leave the house. Many facial moisturizers today already come with SPF so you don’t have to buy another cream. It’s also very important to protect the eyelids, lips and nose from the sun so when you are applying it, make sure to cover your face completely.
9. Get tested regularly
If you don’t have insurance or a doctor that you visit regularly, you should consider investing in annual tests for HIV/STD if you’re sexually active. Breast cancer tests should also be administered yearly for women to make sure that they’re not at risk. It’s always good to get yearly check ups with your doctor to make sure your health is in good condition. If you do happen to discover that there is something affecting your health, then you can get the proper treatment and learn ways for future prevention.