11 Historical Milestones Reached Since We Discovered The Earth Is Round Since B.o.B. Thinks It's Flat
Famed rapper B.o.B. recently took to Twitter to express his opinion on something we all know to be fact; he firmly believes that the earth is flat, and anything refuting that is a conspiracy.
No, seriously.

Image courtesy of twitter.com/bobatl
He then proceeded to provide “evidence” that his claim was accurate.

Image courtesy of twitter.com/bobatl
The Atlanta-based rapper also decided to call out NASA for accidentally not including stars in the so-called fabricated images of a spherical Earth.

Image courtesy of twitter.com/bobatl
Then, as many of his followers began to question his theory and sanity (some implying the rapper was under the influence), B.o.B. defended himself against those involved with the conspiracy. He even managed to bring “cloning centers” into the mix.

Image courtesy of twitter.com/bobatl

Image courtesy of twitter.com/bobatl
This seemingly out-of-nowhere Twitter rant garnered the attention of many, including famed astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson. Tyson quickly and effectively shut B.o.B.’s claims down, via Twitter and a bonafide diss track.
For those who don’t know, Eratosthenes of Cyrene discovered that the earth is indeed round about 2,000 years ago.
So, in honor of B.o.B.’s lack of knowledge of scientific and human history, here is a compiled list of some of the major milestones that have occurred since humankind discovered the earth was round.
1. Two of the most monumental figures in history, Cleopatra and Jesus Christ, are born (and die) (c. 100BC-30AD)
Gif courtesy of beamlyus.tumblr.com
2. Paper is invented (c. 105AD)
Gif courtesy of reddit.com
3. The first fork was used (c. 1105AD)
Gif courtesy of tumblr.com
4. The Black Plague kills half of the human population (c. 1300s AD)
Gif courtesy of realitytvgifs.tumblr.com
5. The printing press is invented (1457 AD)
Gif courtesy of gifbay.com
6. Pope Clement VIII declares that drinking coffee is acceptable, which was previously known as a drink for heathens (c. 1635 AD)
Gif courtesy of bizzyinindy.tumblr.com
7. Shoestrings become popularized (c. 1790 AD)
Gif courtesy of peculiargroove.tumblr.com
8. The first edible chocolate bar is created (1847 AD)
Gif courtesy of godsavethepenny.tumblr.com
9. Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone (1876 AD)
Gif courtesy of digg.com
10. Sliced bread is introduced (1912 AD)
Gif courtesy of spazcat26.tumblr.com
11. Twitter hits the Internet, so folks like B.o.B. can spread their ignorance like wildfire (2006 AD)
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