"The Hypocrisy of Kim Davis "
Seemingly overnight, Kim Davis, a Kentucky county clerk, has become the newest conservative rockstar. A pioneering voice of oppression and bigotry, supported by top politicians such as Mike Huckabee, who went so far as to offer to take her place in jail, and a loyal band of conservative followers cheering her release.
Her claim to fame? Her denial of same sex marriages in Kentucky, defiantly stating that her name being affixed to the marriage certificate violated her religious beliefs. Due to contempt of court, she was sent to jail for her refusal and has gained mass media attention while she was away.
A large portion of conservatives have praised what Davis is doing, saying she is upholding “religious freedom” and doing what the teachings of Christianity would dictate. While these people celebrate her “bravery” and idolize Davis, they are looking past the hypocrisy of her previous actions, as Kim Davis is not as pious and god-fearing as she leads us to believe.

There’s an interesting side to Kim Davis herself, one that required further probing. According to reputable outlets such as CNN, it has been brought to light that Davis has had some troubles with marriage herself, beginning all the way back in 1984, with her first marriage to Dwain Allen Wallace.
All was well until 1993 when Davis cheats on her husband with Thomas Dale Mcintyre Jr. and winds up pregnant with twins. It was in 1994 that Kim divorces Wallace and gives birth five months later (out of wedlock) and in 1996 marries another man, Joe Davis. In 12 years we already have one marriage, a divorce, and an affair.
We enter a new century and by 2004 she’s divorced, and in 2007 decides to go back and marry the father of her children, Thomas Mcyintire. A little less than a year later in 2008 (Kim Kardashian, anyone?) she is divorced once again. This totals three divorces, one act of adultery, and two children out of wedlock.

Why is it that the moral high ground rests on the shoulders of a woman who has violated the sanctity of marriage herself multiple times? It’s completely ludicrous, and yet everyone is somehow okay with it, using her as the ultimate exemplification of a good, Christian woman.
Even when Hebrews 13:4 states “Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.” Since referencing the Bible is fair game to deny people their rights, we can use it as well.
It looks like Davis has not only obstructed direct action to let gay marriage continue ( “among all”), but will receive the judgement from God for her adulterous ways. Jesus may forgive, but I don’t. We’ll never know if Kim Davis herself will go to hell, but with her knee-length denim skirt, she’s halfway there.