Things College Students Must Know About Green Tea And Its Benefits
Green tea is one of the healthiest caffeinated drinks that is impeccably refreshing and vitalizing.
It is intriguing to know that the caffeine content in the green tea leaves is far more natural than any other caffeinated beverages, which can help college students live a healthier life and be more attentive in school.
One of the toughest things about being a college student is staying away from caffeinated beverages. Caffeine consumption is inevitable for many college students as it helps us stay wide awake through two hour long lectures, all night studying–or “all-nighters,”–and early morning studying right before class to make sure you have studied every bit of those seven chapters.
Caffeinated beverages such as energy drinks, espressos or sodas are immensely popular among college students, and indeed they help. However, the important question is, are they good for us in the long term?
Aside from supporting us through a few hours of energy, these drinks come with negative side-effects that lead to lack of sleep, weight gain, and unhealthy diet. Well students, if you’re struggling with any of these predicaments, there is a solution. This article is going to introduce a beverage that will guide you to a nourishing and healthy life.
It is important to take care of your health by focusing on a better diet. Here are a few great things to know about green tea and how it will help you.
1. Green tea leaves are filled with antioxidants and natural caffeine. The two main components of green tea, called EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) and L-Theanine (theanine), are the most important because they eliminate the bad substances in caffeine, and leave the good substances in the tea to prevent hypertension and insomnia.
2. Green tea is very beneficial to our bodies by stimulating the metabolism and helping with weight loss, which is not easy to do for students as school can change our eating habits. Many students who suffer from weight gain caused by irregular eating routines can exceedingly benefit from this.
3. Believe it or not, consuming green tea on a daily basis can help your skin. Stress can cause the skin to break out, which is probably one of the most aggravating things we face during college.
In this matter, green tea helps in two ways: one, by protecting the skin from sun damage, which also prevents skin cancer. And two, the herbs inside the tea bag can be used on the face after you’re finished with the tea. A few dabs on the face daily can hydrate the skin.
4. The use of green tea can reproduce healthy brain cells and improves working memory. It increases the brain connectivity that facilitate the neurons to improve task performance.
Consume green tea twice, daily. You can replace the coffee in that mug with green tea, and enjoy the energizing taste while going to class or even studying. It is easy to make, very affordable and can be found at any local grocery store.
Although the taste of the tea could be bitter, you can add lemon to bring flavor. Green tea is immensely a natural and health-giving drink, and it has just the right amount of caffeine we need!
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