FreezeCrowd Is Offering A Thousand Dollar Prize For A Perfect Bracket

By Gregory John "G.J." Vitale on March 18, 2014

Thought $1 billion was a great reward for submitting a perfect bracket? Make that $1.000001 billion …

FreezeCrowd, a site that promises to connect students and alumni, is offering their very own March Madness bracket prizes, calling it the “ Spring Break College Basketball Bracket Challenge.” To enter, all one has to do is sign up on the site with his/her school email address and fill out a bracket. Although your chances are infinitely small to fill out a perfect bracket, you can still win $500 if your bracket is the best out of all submissions on the site.

This $500 prize is actually a pretty viable achievement, given that somebody will have to win it. Why not you?


FreezeCrowd’s logo (image courtesy of UWire)

If you need help filling out your brackets, keep an eye out for my other articles which reveal my picks for each of the four regions. Feel free to take my picks for what they are, especially when considering the odds of filling a perfect bracket are 1 in 9.2 quintillion.

Eric Leebow, Founder & CEO of, understands the odds are pretty slim to submit a perfect bracket, but the $500 prize guarantees someone is walking away with some money.

“I am very excited about this college basketball spring break tournament, and I think that if any college student wins the $500 or gets a perfect bracket for $1,000, they’ll cover their textbooks or can even buy something great for themselves to enjoy,” Leebow said in a press release. “The odds of winning [the $500 prize] really does depend on how many college and university students fill out their bracket. If you’re the only one who fills it out, you’ll win!”

You have to hurry, however. The Madness begins March 20th, so you must have your brackets completed and submitted by then, or else you will not qualify for the prizes. You have nothing to lose!

Even if you don’t win either prize, FreezeCrowd promises to be worth the trouble.

Check out their LinkedIn page, their Twitter page and the site itself for more information. But, if you like puppets and/or are a visual learner not looking to go to leaps and bounds to learn more about some site you’ve only just been introduced to, here’s a wacky, yet informative video from FreezeCrowd:

Over 3,000 schools are already up and running in the FreezeCrowd system. Why not add yours to the list?

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