Spruce Up Your Dorm for Spring
Getting back to your dorm after a few weeks at home can be rather depressing and dismal when you see the array that your room is in. It’s a little hard to feel motivated or even comfortable when you’ve just come back from a long trip of having your mother clean your room, do your dishes and do your laundry (if you’re lucky enough to have that). Not to mention after spending a few weeks in your old, fully decorated room can make your dorm look rather depressing. The best way to bring new light to your dorm is to just do a few simple modifications to try and update your old dorm and make it completely new for the Spring semester.
Rearrange the Furniture
The best way to make any room look new is to feng shui the room a little bit. Talk to your roommate and try to find a new way to organize the room that will make both you comfortable and give the room an entirely new look.
Organize and Clean
Once you’ve moved the room around, cleaning and organizing all your stuff can make it look brighter and bigger. Throughout the fall semester and especially around finals time, cleaning no longer take priority and it’s much easier to throw all your books, notes and folders onto your desk than to put them somewhere else. Organizing now at the beginning of the semester when you have less work to do will help to keep you organized during the new semester.
Buy New Decorations
A few new posters and a colorful new lamp can add a ton of style to your room. It’s not hard to find nice and used decorations at a reasonable price. Even most campus bookstores have somewhat cheap posters that can help create a new atmosphere in your room.
Invest in your Comfort
Most people get the standard egg crate mattress pads for their dorm room beds, which are the same beds that they have in several military camps, and while it may be nice to only have to pay $15 at the time, a nice mattress pad is worth the big bucks. It’s even possible to get a used one or one on Groupon for about $80. Your wallet may gasp a little but once you feel the foamy comfort on your back, you won’t think about it once.
Get Crafty
One of the best ways to get new decorations or recycle your old decorations into something better is to do crafts. Pinterest and blogs have easy DIY crafts that can easily change the look of your room. One simple and cheap DIY project is to get a few old strings of Christmas lights and take some clothespins (that you can find at the dollar store or at your grandmother’s house) to hang up pictures. Plug in the lights and you have a colorful collage of photos to brighten up your space.