College News

Found 589 articles, displaying 1-12
As much as there is a debate about whether going to college is necessary, there is a question of whether it leads to...
People living on the East Coast really understand the value of a snow day. As snow lines the rooftops, pathways,...
Debt. Homework. Classwork. Tests/quizzes. Internships. Fraternity/sorority events. Homecoming. Late-night eating....
We all feel it at times. Stress. It can even be daunting in college with assignments piling on and having to study...
Everything changed as it seemed the world stopped and even paused with the arrival of the coronavirus pandemic....
Colleges have continued to grapple with and make big changes since the arrival of the pandemic. Some were previously...
College is quite the experience from how it is depicted in movies and TV with partying, adventure, drinking, and...
College is a time for finding oneself, learning, of course, and capitalizing on fun. Looking back, there are...
Loosening COVID restrictions seems like the last thing that should happen during a pandemic. COVID-19 turned the...
While your spring break may not take the form of the trip to a tropical beach that you had dreamed about, you can...
Eating healthy has always been incredibly important, but COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized that practice even more....
Verv, a global holistic health and wellness app focused on the interconnections between physical activity, nutrition,...

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