College News
Found 36 articles, displaying 1-12
All aspects of job hunting can pose difficulty for anyone, from crafting the perfect resume and cover letter to...
When it comes to preparing for an interview, everyone will offer you lots of different advice on the best course of...
Job interviews can be one of the most nerve-wracking, uncomfortable experiences due to the sheer amount of pressure...
When applying for jobs, we have a desperate need to do anything we can to stand out. Creating an attractive resume,...
L. Roberts
Critical thinking skills is one of the areas we lack most as a society. The ability to think critically comes from...
Going on a job or internship interview can be scary, especially if it is your first time. Even if you have done it...
Getting rejected for a position you really wanted is never easy. It is frustrating to see your efforts go...
Once you have gone through all the work of beefing up your resume and securing a job interview, and then actually...
There are a lot of things to prepare for when it comes to a job interview such as: what to wear, how to present ...
When you go on a job or internship interview, it is not very likely that you will be offered the position right on...
Job interviews are always stressful. Regardless of whether you’re confident in yourself or you’re walking...
Imagine that you are about to interview for your first job after college. Excited and nervous, you are about to enter...