It’s exam time again. Not only is it exam time, these are finals. This is it. This is the culmination of your e...
Dear Person Who Drives Off Without Leaving Your Insurance Information,
You, sir/ma’am, are an asshole. All of the d...
You’re sleeping comfortably. The bed is your safe place. It’s where you study, sleep, and maybe eat ice cream, eve...
It’s that time of year again. The weather is cooling down, midterms are causing mental breakdowns left and right, t...
There was already some drama in the days before the weekend of the tennis tournament that was to take place the...
I’m going to start this with what I was wearing, because this is an essay, and I can’t hear or answer your que...
In the past few days, a scandal involving a media mogul, Harvey Weinstein, has come to light. For years, he has been...
Tom Petty’s music was often the background music of my childhood. On long car rides with my family or in peaceful, t...
We all love dogs. And, if we’re lucky, they love us, too. There are probably very few of us who don’t remember ask...
When you’re in kindergarten, friendship is easy. You pick the person with the best crayons, and then you ask them i...
When I was 12, I went to a summer camp in the Florida Keys. Since this was a) Florida and b) summer, there were a lot...
“The mission of the R.A.D. Systems is to establish an accessible, constantly improving and internationally r...
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