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Alina Zerpa

College: University of Miami
Major: Print Journalism
Graduation Date: 2017

As a senior at the University of Miami, I'm still as utterly obsessed with writing as I was when I started in my sophomore year of high school. People are my favorite subjects and pens that don't write well are my biggest pet peeve.

Articles by Alina
After two weeks in Europe, I cried of happiness landing in Miami International Airport. After two weeks, I had mixed...
In today’s day and age, there are different ways to tell people you love them. One of them is a very simple tag...
As summer rolls around, every normal student is off traveling around the world, enjoying their vacation time....
Growing up in a Hispanic family, you learn at a young age that phrases are never funny once you’ve translated...
Among the lineup of infamous Disney princesses, one more is being added and is bringing more than just adventure to...
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