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Anna Shvets

College: Ohio State
Major: English
Graduation Date: May 2014

Articles by Anna
I’ve never successfully carved a pumpkin before. Every time, life got in the way: no pumpkins, no time, no...
Two weeks ago, the German Village Society organized the Columbus Oktoberfest. I’ve been at other Oktoberfests...
You drive over it in your car. You pass it on your bike, getting hit by that unmistakeable smell. It’s r...
Yesterday, Cedar Point took my mind and replaced it with roller coasters. The car ride leading up to the outing was...
Have you ever been mystified by the mysterious Eastern European in your life? Baffled by their strange foods and last...
Ah, moving in: an activity that is as relaxing as a bank heist and as logistically complex as invading a small...
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